Vampires in India

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Some of these vampires are also Gods of the cultures religion

Baital/Baitala: A vampire from India is a half-man/half bat creature, which stands around 4ft tall.

Bhuta : A vampire from India normally created due to the violent death of an individual. The Bhuta are found in cemeteries or in dark desolate places, eating excrement or intestines.   An attack by one of these creatures usually resulted in severe sickness or death.

Brahmaparush : A vampire from India that enjoys consuming human beings. This creature would drink a victim’s blood through its skull, than eat the brain from the skull and finally proceed to wrap the victim’s intestines around its body and perform a ritual dance.

Chedipe: (literally means prostitute) A woman riding a tiger that seduced the household and sucked the male head of house blood through his big toe.

Chordewa: A witch found among the Oraons, (Bengal) capable of turning her soul into a form of vampire cat. It is said that if the cat licks person’s lips that they will die soon after.

Churel: A vengeful ghostlike vampire found in India, normally a woman that died while pregnant during the Dewali Festival. She is said to hate life with her greatest spite being kept for her relatives. The Churel is said to be vile in appearance, possessing pendant breasts, thick ugly lips, a black tongue and unkempt hair.

Gayal: A vampiric spirit from India. Usually created due to the death of a man who has no one to properly perform the burial rites at his funeral. When he returns the Gayal reeks his revenge upon the sons of others and upon his on relatives. The threat of a relative returning as a Gayal usually ensures that the proper funeral rites are performed.

Hahn Saburo: Living in forests of India these vampires will attempt to drive or lure travelers into the forest to attack them. They also have the ability to control dogs.

Jigarkhwar: A vampiric sorceress found in the Sind region of India. She feeds by extracting a person’s liver through a piercing stare and various incantations. The liver is then cooked on a fire and eaten, at which time the victim dies.

Kali/Kalika (Mad Mother) : Has fangs or sharp teeth and black skin.  She is seen as the dark goddess and is said to control the dark creatures.  It is said she got her vampirism after having to drink the blood of Raktaviya, the King of Demons, in order to defeat him.

Kephn: Found in the tribes of Burma.   It description is similar to the Penanggalan of Malaysia.   It peferred meal was human souls.  It is linked to a mortal suse of the the dark sorceries.

Masan: A vampire from India said to be usually the ghost of a child that delights in tormenting and killing children. The Masan is said to be able to curse a child that walks in its shadow. It will also follow a woman home should she allow her gown drag on the ground over his shadow.

Masani: A female vampire from India, she is said to be the spirit of burial grounds. She is black in appearance. Her hunts are conducted by night, starting as she emerges from a funeral pyre. Anyone passing the burial site will be attacked.

Pacu Pati: A powerful vampire from India. The creature is deemed lord of all beings of mischief. It is seem at night in cemeteries and places of execution.

Pisacha: A vampire from India, said to be a creature created by humanity’s vices. While it is in general an evil deity, its favorite past time being the consumption of fresh corpses, it can also cure diseases if enticed too.

Rakshasa: A vampire from India, whose name translates as “the injurer”. The female assumes the form of a beautiful woman, luring man to their death. In the newer legends the Rakhassa is said to live in trees and induces vomiting and indigestion in people who stray into its territory. A child will be transformed into such a creature if he can be induced to eat human brains.

Thaye/Tasei: From Burma, they are evil persons condemned to be disembodied spirits which can appear as tall dark people with huge ears, long tongues and tusklike teeth. They enter town at noon or by dark and usually cause minor illness.

Vetal/Vetala: From India, these vampires live in corpses, which they leave at night to go in search of prey. For as long as they are the habitat of a vampire, the corpse will remain incorruptible. The body does become monstrous looking and does not resemle the host after inhabitation.  They can be described as humanoid versions of the fruit bats that are native to the region.

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Vampire Legends

Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures regardless of them being undead or a living person.[1][2][3][4][5][6] In folkloric tales, vampires often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the neighbourhoods they inhabited when they were alive. They wore shrouds and were often described as bloated and of ruddy or dark countenance. This is markedly different from modern fictional portrayals of gaunt, pale vampires beginning in the early 19th century. Although vampiric entities have been recorded in many cultures and according to speculation by literary historian Brian Frost that the “belief in vampires and bloodsucking demons is as old as man himself”, and may go back to “prehistoric times”,[7] the term vampire was not popularized until the early 18th century, after an influx of vampire superstition into Western Europe from areas where vampire legends were frequent, such as the Balkans and Eastern Europe,[8] although local variants were also known by different names, such as vampir (вампир) in Serbia and Bulgaria, vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania. This increased level of vampire superstition in Europe led to mass hysteria and in some cases resulted in corpses actually being staked and people being accused of vampirism.


The Oxford English Dictionary dates the first appearance of the word vampire in English from 1734, in a travelogue titled Travels of Three English Gentlemen published in the Harleian Miscellany in 1745.[11][12] Vampires had already been discussed in German literature.[13] After Austria gained control of northern Serbia and Oltenia in 1718, officials noted the local practice of exhuming bodies and “killing vampires”


It is difficult to make a single, definitive description of the folkloric vampire, though there are several elements common to many European legends. Vampires were usually reported as bloated in appearance, and ruddy, purplish, or dark in colour; these characteristics were often attributed to the recent drinking of blood. Indeed, blood was often seen seeping from the mouth and nose when one was seen in its shroud or coffin and its left eye was often open.[29] It would be clad in the linen shroud it was buried in, and its teeth, hair, and nails may have grown somewhat, though in general fangs were not a feature.[30]

Creating vampires

The causes of vampiric generation were many and varied in original folklore. In Slavic and Chinese traditions, any corpse which was jumped over by an animal, particularly a dog or a cat, was feared to become one of the undead.[31] A body with a wound which had not been treated with boiling water was also at risk. In Russian folklore, vampires were said to have once been witches or people who had rebelled against the Church while they were alive


Apotropaics—mundane or sacred items able to ward off revenants—such as garlic[43] or holy water are common in vampire folklore. The items vary from region to region; a branch of wild rose and hawthorn plant are said to harm vampires; in Europe, sprinkling mustard seeds on the roof of a house was said to keep them away.


Many theories for the origins of vampire beliefs have been offered as an explanation for the superstition, and sometimes mass hysteria, caused by vampires. Everything ranging from premature burial to the early ignorance of the body’s decomposition cycle after death has been cited as the cause for the belief in vampires.

Ambrogio was a young adventurer. Born and raised in Italy, he had always longed to travel to Greece to have his fortune told by the Oracle of Delphi. When he was an adult, he got on a boat and sailed to the western edge of Greece, near Astakos. He traveled east until he eventually reached the city of Delphi.

Delphi was home to a great temple of Apollo, the sun god. It was also the home of the Pythia, better known as the Oracles. The Pythia would sit in a chamber within the temple and speak of prophecies, inspired by Apollo, to those who came to seek the Oracle’s wisdom.

When Ambrogio finally arrived at the temple, he went to speak to the Pythia. The Pythia, whose words were often cryptic, said only a few words: “The curse. The moon. The blood will run.”

He couldn’t sleep that night. He stayed awake outside of the temple, pondering the meaning of the Pythia’s words. As the sun rose in the morning he realized that he had not slept. As he walked back toward the town he saw a beautiful woman dressed in white robes walking to the temple. He ran over to her and introduced himself.


Her name was Selene, and she was a maiden of the temple. Her sister was the Oracle, and so Selene tended to the temple and took care of her sister while in her entranced state.

For the next few days every morning Ambrogio met Selene at dawn before she entered the temple. They soon fell in love.

On his last day in Greece, Ambrogio asked Selene to marry him and return with him to Italy. She agreed. He said he would make the preparations then meet her at dawn the next morning at their meeting spot outside the temple.

Apollo, the sun god, had been watching. He, himself, had taken a liking to the beautiful Selene and was enraged that Ambrogio would come to his temple and take one of his maidens away. At sunset that night, Apollo appeared to Ambrogio and cursed him so that from that day forth a mere touch of Apollo’s sunlight would burn Ambrogio’s skin.

Ambrogio was distraught. He was set to leave with Selene in the morning, but he would not be able to meet her at sunrise as he promised because of the curse. Having nowhere else to turn, he ran to a cave that led to Hades for protection. Hades, god of the underworld, listened to his tale and made him a deal – if he could steal the sliver bow of Artemis and bring it back, Hades would grant him and Selene protection in the underworld. The deal specified that Hades would give Ambrogio a magical wooden bow and 11 arrows to hunt with. He was to offer his hunting trophies to Artemis in order to gain her favor and steal her silver bow. As collateral, Ambrogio had to leave his soul in Hades until he returned with the bow. Should he return without the silver bow, he would have to live in Hades forever, never to return to Selene. Having no other choice, Ambrogio agreed.

He had no way to contact Selene. He had parchments, but no writing implement, so he took his bow and arrow and killed a swan. Using its feather as a pen, and its blood as the ink, he wrote her a note explaining that he could not meet with her but would find a way for them to be together. He left the note in their meeting place and ran off to find a place to hide from the sunlight.

Naturally, Selene was devastated when she found the note, but she kept working at the temple as she did not want to anger Apollo any further. The next morning, Selene went back to the meeting place, but once again Ambrogio was not there. She saw another piece of parchment with writing in blood on it. It was a love poem from Ambrogio.

Before morning for 44 days Ambrogio slew a swan and used its blood to write Selene a love poem. After draining the blood and taking a single feather he offered the body of the swan as a tribute to Artemis, the goddess of hunting and the moon, and also sister to Apollo. He hoped that even if he could not steal her bow, she would be honored by the tribute and would be able to convince her brother Apollo to remove the curse.

On the 45th night, Ambrogio had only one arrow left. He shot it at a swan and missed, the arrow sailing into the distance. He had neither the blood to write Selene’s poem nor the swan to sacrifice to Artemis. He fell to the ground and wept.

Seeing how good of a hunter and how dedicated of a follower Ambrogio had been, Artemis came down to him. He begged Artemis to let him borrow her bow and an arrow so he could kill one last bird and leave one final note to Selene.

Artemis took pity on him and agreed to let him borrow her silver bow and an arrow. He took the bow, and in desperation, ran to the cave that led to Hades. Artemis realized what was happening and cast her own curse on him. The curse caused all silver burn his skin. Ambrogio dropped the silver bow and fell to the ground in pain.

Artemis was furious at his deceit, but he begged her for forgiveness. He explained the deal he was forced to make with Hades, his curse by Apollo, and his love for Selene. He apologized profusely and swore that he had no other choice.

Artemis took pity on him again and decided to give him one last chance. She offered to make him a great hunter, almost as great as she was, with the speed and strength of a god and fangs with which to drain the blood of the beasts to write his poems. In exchange for this immortality, he would have to agree to a deal. He and Selene would have to escape Apollo’s temple and worship only Artemis forever. The catch was that Artemis was a virgin goddess, and all of her followers had to remain chaste and unmarried, so Ambrogio was never allowed to touch Selene again. They could never kiss, never touch, never have children.

Ambrogio agreed. At least this way he and Selene could be together. He killed another swan and left Selene a note telling her to meet him on a ship at the docks. Before dawn the next morning, she saw the note and ran away before Apollo could notice.

When Selene arrived at the dock she found Ambrogio’s ship and met him down in the hull. There was a wooden coffin with a note on it, telling her to order the ship’s captain to set sail, and to open the coffin only after the sun had set. She did as the note said, and after sunset she opened the coffin to find Ambrogio alive and well.

The couple sailed to Ephesus, where they lived in a cave during the day and worshiped Artemis at her grand temple every night. They lived happily together for many years, never touching, never kissing, never having children.

After a number of years, Ambrogio’s immortality allowed him to stay young, but Selene continued to age as a mortal. She finally fell ill and was on her deathbed. Ambrogio was distraught, knowing that he would not join Selene in the afterlife because his soul still resided in Hades. At night, he went into the woods and found a white swan swimming alone in a small lake. He killed the swan and offered it to Artemis, begging for her to make Selene immortal so they could stay together forever.

Artemis appeared to him. Thankful for his years of dedication and worship, she made him one last deal. Artemis told Ambrogio that he could touch Selene just once – to drink her blood. Doing so would kill her mortal body, but from then on, her blood mixed with his could create eternal life for any who drink of it. If he did this, Artemis would see to it that they stayed together forever.

Ambrogio wanted to refuse, but after telling Selene what happened, Selene begged him to do it. After much convincing, he bit her neck and took her blood into his body. As he set her limp body down, Selene began to radiate with light, and raise up to the sky. Ambrogio watched as Selene’s glowing spirit lifted to meet Artemis at the moon. When she arrived, the moon lit up with a brilliant light.

Selene became the goddess of moonlight, and every night she would reach down with her rays of light to the earth and finally touch her beloved Ambrogio as well as all of their children – the newly created vampires who carried the blood of Ambrogio and Selene, together.

The Vampire Princess:

Thera the Cold One

Four thousand years into the future, vampires are born and have come to exist among the humans. They are described as dark creatures that seduce and drink the blood of man. Never have their attacks been predictable. They lives in clans and have all the members of their convent under one roof, as though they are a big royal family.

Vampires do as they wish to the humans around them. They don’t care whether they turn, drain, or enslave the humans. They truly love to enslave human as play things. As the new millennia nears, a new chapter unfolds in the vampires’ lives begins along with a new destiny.

One night during feeding time for the vampires, a young girl is walking home from work. The vampire lord, Kage was following her every move. The girl reminded him of his daughter that he lost many years ago. The girl was oblivious that he was following her. She walked for a little while longer, before Kage grabbed her from behind.

He put a hand over her mouth and whispered in her ear, “Don’t scream child. I don’t plan on hurting you very long.” He turned the girl around so she was facing him. The girl’s eyes showed him that she was scared, but she did not say a word or try to run. She seemed to be captivated by him.

The girl asks, “What do you want?” Kage asks, “How would you like to live forever?” The girl says, “I don’t know.” Kage put an arm around her waist and said, “Come on child. Life as a mortal must be rough on you.” The girl says, “I must say life can be rough, but it’s worth it.” Kage gently grinded his teeth against her neck and smiled some as blood began to trickle down her neck.

The girl screamed softly and Kage sunk his teeth into her neck. He began to drink her blood as he held her close to him so she could not get out of his grip. The girl had tears going down her face. The girl says, “Please stop…it hurts.” Kage tightened his grip and growled against her neck possessively.

Soon the girl fainted at the loss of blood and Kage carried her back to the clan home after he gave her some his blood. She felt so light in his arms. Kage carried her up to her own room and laid her in the bed. He whispers, “Welcome to your new home Thera.”

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Welcome to New Year 2011

A decade of triumphs, a decade of upheavals, a decade of some unforgettable tragedies and a decade of making our presence felt on the global map – India’s grown enormously as a nation and as a people in the last ten years. Goodbye 2010 and Welcome to 2011.We Welcome the Year 2011 with a
Sweetest Sunday,
Marvelous Monday,
Tasty Tuesday,
Wonderful Wednesday,
Thankful Thursday,
Friendly Friday,
Successful Saturday.
Have a great Year.

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